Do You Need a Party Wall Agreement for Permitted Development

As a homeowner looking to make alterations to your property, you may be wondering whether you need a party wall agreement for permitted development. In short, the answer is usually no, but there are some situations where a party wall agreement may be required.

Permitted development refers to certain types of home improvements that can be carried out without the need for planning permission. These can include things like adding a conservatory, converting a loft, or building a small extension. While these types of alterations may not require planning permission, they may still impact the shared wall between your property and your neighbor`s.

A party wall agreement is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties when making changes to a shared wall or structure. It is designed to ensure that any work carried out does not negatively impact the stability or safety of the wall, and to protect the rights of both parties.

So, when do you need a party wall agreement for permitted development? Generally, you do not need a party wall agreement if you are making alterations that are entirely within the boundaries of your property, such as building a single-story extension at the rear of your home. However, if your proposed work will impact the party wall, you may need to speak to your neighbor and agree on a party wall agreement.

For example, let`s say you want to build a two-story extension that will be attached to the party wall between your property and your neighbor`s. In this case, you would need to serve a party wall notice on your neighbor, outlining your plans and giving them the opportunity to agree (or dispute) the proposals. If your neighbor agrees, you can proceed with the work and sign a party wall agreement. If they do not agree, a party wall surveyor may need to be appointed to help resolve the dispute.

It is important to note that even if you do not need a party wall agreement for your proposed work, you may still need to comply with building regulations and other legal requirements. Always check with your local council or a professional architect or builder to ensure you are meeting all necessary regulations.

In conclusion, while party wall agreements are not always necessary for permitted development, it is always a good idea to speak to your neighbor and ensure you are both on the same page when carrying out alterations to your property. This will save you time and headaches down the line and help ensure that your work is carried out safely and with minimal impact on those around you.