Lease Agreement regarding Guests

Lease Agreement Regarding Guests: Understanding the Dos and Don`ts

When you decide to rent out your property, you are likely to come across different types of tenants, including those who would like to invite their friends, family, or colleagues to stay over for a few days. As a landlord, it is essential to have a clear lease agreement in place, specifying the rules and regulations regarding guests.

In this article, we will discuss the dos and don`ts of lease agreements regarding guests and how to implement them.


1. Determine the Maximum Occupancy: It is essential to have a clear maximum occupancy limit in the lease agreement, specifying the number of guests who can stay in the property at any given time. This limit will ensure that the property is not overcrowded and that all guests have adequate space and amenities.

2. Set the Duration of Stay: Define the maximum number of days that guests can stay in the property. Most landlords allow guests to stay for a limited time, such as seven consecutive days a month or ten days per year. You can also specify that guests pay an additional fee for their stay.

3. Specify Guest Responsibilities: It is crucial to define the responsibilities of your guests. Ensure that they follow the same terms and conditions as the tenant. This includes keeping the property clean, avoiding any activities that can cause damage, and respecting the neighbors` privacy.

4. Have an Emergency Contact: Ensure that your tenants provide you with their emergency contact details, including their guests` contact information. This will help you reach out to the guests in case of emergencies such as fire, flood, or medical emergencies.


1. Do Not Allow Unauthorized Guests: Unauthorized guests can cause safety and security concerns for both the landlord and the other tenants. It is essential to clarify the rules for guest entry and ensure that all guests register with the landlord or tenant before entering the property.

2. Do Not Allow Subletting: Subletting the property to another person, including a guest, can cause legal problems. Ensure that the lease agreement explicitly prohibits subletting of any kind.

3. Do Not Allow Illegal Activities: Ensure that the lease agreement prohibits guests from engaging in any illegal activities while on the property.

4. Do Not Allow Overcrowding: Overcrowding in a rental property can lead to safety concerns, such as fire hazards, and health issues, such as the spread of diseases. Make sure that the lease agreement specifies the maximum occupancy of the property.

In conclusion, a lease agreement regarding guests is essential to ensure that your rental property remains safe and secure. Specifying the maximum occupancy, duration of stay, guest responsibilities, and emergency contacts in the lease agreement will help you avoid any legal or safety issues in the future. Also, avoid unauthorized guests, subletting, illegal activities, and overcrowding in the property by defining clear rules and regulations in the lease agreement.